Discoveries new to science, a reward from nature, an orchid named after Puro. Spectacled Bears captured, but fortunately only by hidden camera traps whilst scratching their backs on trees. A hummingbird feeder whose flurry of activity was broadcast to cafes on the other side of the globe and launched to the media by Sir David Attenborough, a patron of World Land Trust. Luis, a ranger employed by Puro whose watchful eyes both protect it from poachers and loggers and take photos shared on the Puro blog.
Acres Saved
Watch our short film about the Puro Coffee Ecuador Rainforest Reserve.

“The Cerro Candelaria reserve hosts many unique species found nowhere else in the world, including explosions of evolution every bit as important scientifically as the species on the Galapagos Islands.The Cerro Candelaria reserve helps form a biological corridor which aims to join together two previously separated national parks – Sangay National Park (south of the Pastaza) and Los Llanganates National Park (north of the Pastaza).”
Reserve Profile:
Fundación EcoMinga
Cerro Candelaria Reserve
We have saved:
5338 acres
Total reserve size:
6793 acres
A rich centre for plant endemism, providing a unique location for orchids, including new species of the orchid genus Teagueia. Home to other rare and poorly known orchid species including Platysteke species (world’s smallest orchid) and new species of trees such as Blakea attenboroughii. Also home to a wide range of mammals including: Spectacled Bear, Mountain Tapir, Puma and several species of monkey, as well as the full range of eastern Andean birds, including Black and Chestnut Eagle, Giant Antpitta, Crested and Golden-headed Quetzals, Andean Cock-of-the-Rock, and both Black-billed and Gray-breasted Mountain Toucans.
Habitat type:
Cloud Forest and Paramo.
Ranges from 1800 to 3860 meters a.s.l.
Almost perfectly placed in the centre of Ecuador, very close to the outdoor adventure capital of the country, Baños. View in Google Maps
Saving the Rainforest
We have been buying and protecting rainforest in partnership with World Land Trust, since 2005. Take a look at all the Puro Rainforest Reserves we have created together so far.