Jordy is very philosophical and curious about everything, and a fast learner. He not only learns a lot from the visiting biologists who comes here to Ecuador, but he also researches things on his own time. He has great rapport with young kids and is an important ambassador for the foundation in the community of El Placer. He deters poachers of plants and animals, and plays a key role in uncovering the biodiversity within Puro’s reserves. His ability to see through the forest clutter is better than that of most visiting scientists, so once he knows what to look for, he often finds more things than the experts. He is especially passionate about frogs, and spends hours walking the forests at night searching for new species.

“What I like most is admiring the landscapes and hiking in the unknown areas of a reserve, and I also like to learn about the animals and plants with visiting biologists. I have had the experience of helping my companions when they are sick by finding them medicinal plants. The forest is a friend that has everything and can help and cure us of everything.”
Puro Ranger since:
2012 (but Jordy took over from Luis in 2017)
Responsible for:
Orchid Mountain Reserve