Many species go extinct every day, but Puro’s reserves are a commitment to conserve rainforest and provide safe habitat for species at risk of extinction. Right now, 396 at risk species call Puro reserves home.

Critically Endangered Species

Endangered Species

Vulnerable Species

Near Threatened
Scientific Name | Common Name | Status |
Ateles hybridus | Brown Spider Monkey | CR |
Atelopus coynei | Rio Faisanes Stubfoot Toad | CR |
Atelopus palmatus | Andersson’s stubfoot toad | CR |
Atelopus petersi | Peters’ stubfoot toad | CR |
Bolitoglossa synoria | Cerro Pital salamander | CR |
Brachyteles arachnoides | Southern muriqui | CR |
Bradytriton silus | Finca Chiblac Salamander | CR |
Calidris pygmaea | Spoon-billed Sandpiper | CR |
Calyptura cristata | Kinglet Calyptura | CR |
Chiropterotriton magnipes | Big-footed Salamander | CR |
Claravis geoffroyi | Purple-winged Ground-dove | CR |
Craugastor lineatus | Montane Robber Frog | CR |
Crax alberti | Blue-billed Curassow | CR |
Cuora bourreti | Bourret’s Box Turtle | CR |
Emberiza aureola | Yellow-breasted Bunting | CR |
Lagothrix flavicauda | Yellow-tailed Woolly Monkey | CR |
Leptodactylus silvanimbus | Honduras White-lipped Frog | CR |
Lophura edwardsi | Edwards’s Pheasant | CR |
Manis javanica | Malayan Pangolin | CR |
Manis pentadactyla | Chinese Pangolin | CR |
Muntiacus vuquangensis | Giant Muntjac | CR |
Plectrohyla guatemalensis | Guatemala Spikethumb Frog | CR |
Plectrohyla hartwegi | Hartweg’s Spikethumb Frog | CR |
Podocnemis lewyana | Magdalena River Turtle | CR |
Pseudoryx nghetinhensis | Saola | CR |
Sarcogyps calvus | Red-headed Vulture | CR |
Alouatta pigra | Black Howling Monkey | EN |
Amazona vinacea | Vinaceous-breasted Amazon | EN |
Amazona viridigenalis | Red-crowned Amazon | EN |
Ara ambiguus | Great Green Macaw | EN |
Ateles geoffroyi | Black-handed Spider Monkey | EN |
Bolitoglossa conanti | Conant’s Mushroomtongue Salamander | EN |
Buteogallus coronatus | Crowned Solitary Eagle | EN |
Celestus bivittatus | Two-banded galliwasp | EN |
Chiropterotriton chondrostega | Gristle-headed Salamander | EN |
Chiropterotriton multidentatus | Toothy Salamander | EN |
Chrotogale owstoni | Owston’s Banded Civet | EN |
Cotinga maculata | Banded Cotinga | EN |
Cuon alpinus | Asiatic Wild Dog | EN |
Cuora mouhotii | Jagged-shelled Turtle | EN |
Gastrotheca cornuta | Horned Marsupial Frog | EN |
Geophis fulvoguttatus | Mertens’ Earth Snake | EN |
Geotrygon purpurata | Purple Quail-dove | EN |
Hyloxalus elachyhistus | Loja Rocket Frog | EN |
Hyloxalus sylvaticus | Forest Rocket Frog | EN |
Hyloxalus toachi | Toachi Rocket Frog | EN |
Incilius ibarrai | Jalapa Toad | EN |
Iodopleura pipra | Buff-throated Purpletuft | EN |
Leptonycteris nivalis | Mexican Long-nosed Bat | EN |
Loddigesia mirabilis | Marvelous Spatuletail | EN |
Lonchophylla bokermanni | Bokermann’s nectar bat | EN |
Lynchius parkeri | Parker’s Andes Frog | EN |
Morunasaurus groi | Gro’s Manticores | EN |
Neomorphus radiolosus | Banded Ground-cuckoo | EN |
Nesolagus timminsi | Annamite striped rabbit | EN |
Nomascus siki | Southern White-cheeked Gibbon | EN |
Nyctanolis pernix | Nimble Long-limbed Salamander | EN |
Oreophasis derbianus | Horned Guan | EN |
Pachyramphus spodiurus | Slaty Becard | EN |
Pavo muticus | Green Peafowl | EN |
Penelope ortoni | Baudo Guan | EN |
Phyllobates terribilis | Golden Poison Frog | EN |
Picumnus steindachneri | Speckle-chested Piculet | EN |
Pipile jacutinga | Black-fronted Piping-guan | EN |
Ptychohyla salvadorensis | Salvador stream frog | EN |
Pygathrix nemaeus | Red-shanked Douc | EN |
Ramphastos ariel | Ariel Toucan | EN |
Rhaebo caeruleostictus | Blue-spotted Toad | EN |
Rhynchopsitta terrisi | Maroon-fronted Parrot | EN |
Saguinus leucopus | Silvery-brown Bare-face Tamarin | EN |
Setophaga chrysoparia | Golden-cheeked Warbler | EN |
Spizaetus isidori | Black-and-chestnut Eagle | EN |
Sporophila maximiliani | Great-billed Seed-finch | EN |
Sterna acuticauda | Black-bellied Tern | EN |
Sylvilagus brasiliensis | Forest Rabbit | EN |
Tapirus bairdii | Central American Tapir | EN |
Tapirus pinchaque | Andean Tapir | EN |
Thoropa lutzi | Lutz’s River Frog | EN |
Trachypithecus germaini | Germain’s Langur | EN |
Trachypithecus hatinhensis | Stripe-headed Black Langur | EN |
Vireo masteri | Choco Vireo | EN |
Viverra megaspila | Large-spotted Civet | EN |
Agriornis albicauda | White-tailed Shrike-tyrant | VU |
Allobates olfersioides | Rio Rocket Frog | VU |
Ampelornis griseiceps | Grey-headed Antbird | VU |
Anthus spragueii | Sprague’s Pipit | VU |
Aonyx cinereus | Oriental Small-clawed Otter | VU |
Aotus griseimembra | Grey-legged Night Monkey | VU |
Aotus lemurinus | Lemurine Night Monkey | VU |
Aotus miconax | Mono Lechuza | VU |
Aotus nancymaae | Ma’s Night Monkey | VU |
Aquila heliaca | Eastern Imperial Eagle | VU |
Ara militaris | Military Macaw | VU |
Aramides wolfi | Brown Wood-rail | VU |
Arctictis binturong | Bearcat | VU |
Arctonyx collaris | Hog Badger | VU |
Atractus paucidens | Despax’s Ground Snake | VU |
Attila torridus | Ochraceous Attila | VU |
Balantiopteryx io | Thomas’s Sac-winged Bat | VU |
Bangsia flavovirens | Yellow-green Tanager | VU |
Biatas nigropectus | White-bearded Antshrike | VU |
Bolitoglossa mulleri | Müller’s Salamander | VU |
Bolitoglossa sima | Northwestern climbing salamander | VU |
Bos gaurus | Indian Bison | VU |
Bothriechis aurifer | Yellow-blotched Palm Pit Viper | VU |
Buteogallus lacernulatus | White-necked Hawk | VU |
Callithrix aurita | White-eared Marmoset | VU |
Capito quinticolor | Five-colored Barbet | VU |
Carpornis melanocephala | Black-headed Berryeater | VU |
Centrolene buckleyi | Buckley’s Giant Glass Frog | VU |
Cephalopterus penduliger | Long-wattled Umbrellabird | VU |
Chaetocercus bombus | Little Woodstar | VU |
Choeroniscus periosus | Greater Long-tailed Bat | VU |
Clanga clanga | Greater Spotted Eagle | VU |
Cranioleuca curtata | Ash-browed Spinetail | VU |
Craugastor decoratus | Adorned Robber Frog | VU |
Craugastor xucanebi | Xucaneb Robber Frog | VU |
Crax rubra | Great Curassow | VU |
Crocodylus acutus | American Crocodile | VU |
Cryptoleucopteryx plumbea | Plumbeous Hawk | VU |
Cyanolyca nanus | Dwarf Jay | VU |
Cyrtonyx ocellatus | Ocellated Quail | VU |
Dacnis berlepschi | Scarlet-breasted Dacnis | VU |
Dendrocolaptes punctipectus | Eastern Barred Woodcreeper | VU |
Dendrortyx barbatus | Bearded Wood-partridge | VU |
Dysithamnus leucostictus | White-streaked Antvireo | VU |
Eleutherodactylus longipes | Longfoot Robber Frog | VU |
Eleutherodactylus verrucipes | Bigear Chirping Frog | VU |
Enyalioides oshaughnessyi | O’Shaughnessy’s Dwarf Iguana | VU |
Galbula pastazae | Coppery-chested Jacamar | VU |
Geothlypis flavovelata | Altamira Yellowthroat | VU |
Grallaria gigantea | Giant Antpitta | VU |
Grallaria przewalskii | Rusty-tinged Antpitta | VU |
Handleyomys rhabdops | Striped Rice Rat | VU |
Hapalopsittaca pyrrhops | Red-faced Parrot | VU |
Helarctos malayanus | Malayan Sun Bear | VU |
Hemitriccus cinnamomeipectus | Cinnamon-breasted Tody-tyrant | VU |
Hemitriccus furcatus | Fork-tailed Tody-tyrant | VU |
Hyloscirtus lindae | Linda’s Treefrog | VU |
Hyloxalus awa | Rocket frog awa | VU |
Hyloxalus pulchellus | Espada’s Rocket Frog | VU |
Hypopachus barberi | Barber’s Sheep Frog | VU |
Incilius macrocristatus | Large-Crested Toad | VU |
Jacamaralcyon tridactyla | Three-toed Jacamar | VU |
Leopardus guttulus | Southern Little Spotted Cat | VU |
Leopardus tigrinus | Oncilla | VU |
Lepidoblepharis grandis | No Name Yet | VU |
Leptonycteris curasoae | Curaçaoan Long-nosed Bat | VU |
Leptophis modestus | Cloud Forest Parrot Snake | VU |
Lutrogale perspicillata | Indian Smooth-coated Otter | VU |
Lycodon paucifasciatus | Rendahl’s Wolf Snake | VU |
Macaca arctoides | Bear Macaque | VU |
Macaca leonina | Northern Pigtail Macaque | VU |
Marmosa phaea | Little Woolly Mouse Opossum | VU |
Mazama bororo | Small Red Brocket | VU |
Mazama rufina | Little Red Brocket | VU |
Megascops barbarus | Bearded Screech-owl | VU |
Micrastur plumbeus | Plumbeous Forest-falcon | VU |
Mulleripicus pulverulentus | Great Slaty Woodpecker | VU |
Myrmecophaga tridactyla | Giant Anteater | VU |
Neomicroxus latebricola | Ecuadorean Akodont | VU |
Neomorphus geoffroyi | Rufous-vented Ground-cuckoo | VU |
Neopelma aurifrons | Wied’s Tyrant-manakin | VU |
Nothocercus nigrocapillus | Hooded Tinamou | VU |
Nycticebus bengalensis | Ashy Slow Loris | VU |
Nycticebus pygmaeus | Lesser Slow Loris | VU |
Odontophorus melanonotus | Dark-backed Wood-quail | VU |
Onychorhynchus swainsoni | Atlantic Royal Flycatcher | VU |
Ophiophagus hannah | Hamadryad | VU |
Panthera pardus | Leopard | VU |
Patagioenas subvinacea | Ruddy Pigeon | VU |
Penelope barbata | Bearded Guan | VU |
Penelopina nigra | Highland Guan | VU |
Phaenomys ferrugineus | Rio de Janeiro Arboreal Rat | VU |
Pitta nympha | Fairy pitta | VU |
Platyrinchus leucoryphus | Russet-winged Spadebill | VU |
Platyrrhinus chocoensis | Choco Broad-nosed Bat | VU |
Pristimantis crucifer | Porvenir Robber Frog | VU |
Pristimantis muricatus | Rio Faisanes Robber Frog | VU |
Pristimantis nigrogriseus | Charcoal Robber Frog | VU |
Pristimantis ornatissimus | Ornate Robber Frog | VU |
Pristimantis petersi | Peters’ Robber Frog | VU |
Pristimantis rufioculis | Fleshbelly Frogs | VU |
Pristimantis schultei | Schulte’s Robber Frog | VU |
Pristimantis scolodiscus | Ricuarte Robber Frog | VU |
Procnias nudicollis | Bare-throated Bellbird | VU |
Pudu mephistophiles | Northern Pudu | VU |
Pyrrhura cruentata | Ochre-marked Parakeet | VU |
Pyrrhura leucotis | White-eared Parakeet | VU |
Ramphastos vitellinus | Channel-billed Toucan | VU |
Rhadinella montecristi | Monte Cristi Graceful Brown Snake | VU |
Rhogeessa minutilla | Tiny Yellow Bat | VU |
Rusa unicolor | Indian Sambar | VU |
Sericossypha albocristata | White-capped Tanager | VU |
Setophaga cerulea | Cerulean Warbler | VU |
Sporophila falcirostris | Temminck’s Seedeater | VU |
Sporophila frontalis | Buffy-fronted Seedeater | VU |
Storeria hidalgoensis | Mexican yellow-bellied brown snake | VU |
Strabomantis cornutus | Rio Suno Robber Frog | VU |
Strabomantis necerus | Mindo Robber Frog | VU |
Syndactyla ruficollis | Rufous-necked Foliage-gleaner | VU |
Tangara argyrofenges | Straw-backed Tanager | VU |
Tangara peruviana | Black-backed Tanager | VU |
Tapirus terrestris | Brazilian Tapir | VU |
Tayassu pecari | White-lipped Peccary | VU |
Telmatobius atahualpai | Amazonas Water Frog | VU |
Telmatobius truebae | Trueb’s Water Frog | VU |
Tephrophilus wetmorei | Masked Mountain-tanager | VU |
Echinosaura keyi | No Name Yet | VU |
Thomasomys eleusis | Peruvian Oldfield Mouse | VU |
Thomasomys pyrrhonotus | Thomas’s Oldfield Mouse | VU |
Thoropa petropolitana | Petropolis River Frog | VU |
Tlalocohyla godmani | Godman’s Treefrog | VU |
Touit huetii | Scarlet-shouldered Parrotlet | VU |
Touit melanonotus | Brown-backed Parrotlet | VU |
Touit stictopterus | Spot-winged Parrotlet | VU |
Touit surdus | Golden-tailed Parrotlet | VU |
Tremarctos ornatus | Andean Bear | VU |
Ursus thibetanus | Himalayan Black Bear | VU |
Vampyressa melissa | Melissa’s Yellow-eared Bat | VU |
Aburria aburri | Wattled Guan | NT |
Accipiter collaris | Semi-collared Hawk | NT |
Accipiter poliogaster | Grey-bellied Goshawk | NT |
Agalychnis terranova | No Name Yet | NT |
Alcedo hercules | Blyth’s kingfisher | NT |
Amazona aestiva | Turquoise-fronted Parrot | NT |
Amazona farinosa | Southern Mealy Amazon | NT |
Anabacerthia amaurotis | White-browed Foliage-gleaner | NT |
Andigena hypoglauca | Grey-breasted Mountain-toucan | NT |
Anhinga melanogaster | Oriental Darter | NT |
Anorrhinus austeni | Austen’s Brown Hornbill | NT |
Aphanotriccus audax | Black-billed Flycatcher | NT |
Aquiloeurycea cephalica | Chunky False Brook Salamander | NT |
Bassaricyon neblina | Olinguito | NT |
Bauerus dubiaquercus | Van Gelder’s Bat | NT |
Bolitoglossa cuchumatana | Oak Forest Salamander | NT |
Bolitoglossa hartwegi | Hartweg’s Salamander | NT |
Buceros bicornis | Great Hornbill | NT |
Buteogallus aequinoctialis | Rufous Crab-hawk | NT |
Buteogallus solitarius | Black Solitary Eagle | NT |
Caenolestes caniventer | Gray-bellied Caenolestid | NT |
Calidris canutus | Red Knot | NT |
Calidris ferruginea | Curlew Sandpiper | NT |
Calidris pusilla | Semipalmated Sandpiper | NT |
Calidris ruficollis | Red-necked Stint | NT |
Calidris subruficollis | Buff-breasted Sandpiper | NT |
Callicebus nigrifrons | Black-fronted Titi Monkey | NT |
Campephilus gayaquilensis | Guayaquil Woodpecker | NT |
Campephilus splendens | Splendid Woodpecker | NT |
Capito squamatus | Orange-fronted Barbet | NT |
Capricornis milneedwardsii | Southwest China Serow | NT |
Carpornis cucullata | Hooded Berryeater | NT |
Cercomacra brasiliana | Rio de Janeiro Antbird | NT |
Chaetura pelagica | Chimney Swift | NT |
Charadrius nivosus | Snowy Plover | NT |
Choeronycteris mexicana | Hog-nosed Bat | NT |
Chrysocyon brachyurus | Maned Wolf | NT |
Cichlopsis chubbi | Chestnut-throated Solitaire | NT |
Colinus virginianus | Northern Bobwhite | NT |
Conothraupis speculigera | Black-and-white Tanager | NT |
Contopus cooperi | Olive-sided Flycatcher | NT |
Corynorhinus mexicanus | Mexican Big-eared Bat | NT |
Craugastor berkenbuschii | Berkenbusch’s Robber Frog | NT |
Crypturellus noctivagus | Yellow-legged Tinamou | NT |
Cuniculus taczanowskii | Mountain Paca | NT |
Cutia legalleni | Vietnamese Cutia | NT |
Cyanolyca viridicyanus | White-collared Jay | NT |
Cycloramphus brasiliensis | Brazilian Button Frog | NT |
Dacnis nigripes | Black-legged Dacnis | NT |
Dipsas andiana | Andean Snail-Eater | NT |
Dipsas oreas | Ecuador Snail-eater | NT |
Discosura popelairii | Wire-crested Thorntail | NT |
Drymophila ochropyga | Ochre-rumped Antbird | NT |
Drymotoxeres pucheranii | Greater Scythebill | NT |
Dysithamnus stictothorax | Spot-breasted Antvireo | NT |
Echinosaura orcesi | No Name Yet | NT |
Rheohyla miotympanum | Small-eared Treefrog | NT |
Eleoscytalopus indigoticus | White-breasted Tapaculo | NT |
Eleothreptus anomalus | Sickle-winged Nightjar | NT |
Eptesicus innoxius | Harmless Serotine | NT |
Esacus recurvirostris | Great Thick-knee | NT |
Eubucco steerii | Blue-cowled Barbet | NT |
Euphonia chalybea | Green-throated Euphonia | NT |
Gallinago imperialis | Imperial Snipe | NT |
Gallinago nobilis | Noble Snipe | NT |
Gastrotheca aguaruna | No Name Yet | NT |
Glaucidium sanchezi | Tamaulipas Pygmy-owl | NT |
Grallaria blakei | Chestnut Antpitta | NT |
Grallaria carrikeri | Pale-billed Antpitta | NT |
Grallaricula flavirostris | Ochre-breasted Antpitta | NT |
Grallaricula peruviana | Peruvian Antpitta | NT |
Habia gutturalis | Sooty Ant-tanager | NT |
Habromys lophurus | Crested Tailed Deer Mouse | NT |
Harpia harpyja | Harpy Eagle | NT |
Hemiphractus fasciatus | Banded Horned Treefrog | NT |
Hemitriccus orbitatus | Eye-ringed Tody-tyrant | NT |
Hylaeamys laticeps | Large-headed Rice Rat | NT |
Hylocichla mustelina | Wood Thrush | NT |
Hyloscirtus alytolylax | Tadapi Treefrog | NT |
Hyloxalus lehmanni | Lehmann’s Rocket Frog | NT |
Icthyophaga humilis | Lesser Fish-eagle | NT |
Icthyophaga ichthyaetus | Grey-headed Fish-eagle | NT |
Jabouilleia danjoui | Short-tailed scimitar babbler | NT |
Laniisoma elegans | Elegant Mourner | NT |
Lanius ludovicianus | Loggerhead Shrike | NT |
Leopardus colocolo | Chilean Pampa Cat | NT |
Leopardus wiedii | Tree Ocelot | NT |
Lepidothrix isidorei | Blue-rumped Manakin | NT |
Leptonycteris yerbabuenae | Lesser Long-nosed Bat | NT |
Leptopogon taczanowskii | Inca Flycatcher | NT |
Lepus callotis | Snowsides | NT |
Limnonectes blythii | Blyth’s River Frog | NT |
Lipaugus ater | Black-and-gold Cotinga | NT |
Lipaugus lanioides | Cinnamon-vented Piha | NT |
Lontra longicaudis | La Plata Otter | NT |
Lophornis chalybeus | Festive Coquette | NT |
Lophostoma occidentalis | Western round-eared bat | NT |
Lutra lutra | Common Otter | NT |
Macaca assamensis | Assamese Macaque | NT |
Malacoptila striata | Greater Crescent-chested Puffbird | NT |
Melanopareia maranonica | Maranon Crescentchest | NT |
Merulaxis ater | Slaty Bristlefront | NT |
Microtus guatemalensis | Guatemalan Vole | NT |
Microtus quasiater | Jalapan Pine Vole | NT |
Morphnus guianensis | Crested Eagle | NT |
Myotis ruber | Red Myotis | NT |
Myrmotherula unicolor | Unicolored Antwren | NT |
Nasuella olivacea | Western Mountain Coati | NT |
Natalus espiritosantensis | Brazilian funnel-eared bat | NT |
Nephelomyias lintoni | Orange-banded Flycatcher | NT |
Ninia espinali | Espinal’s Coffee Snake | NT |
Numenius arquata | Eurasian Curlew | NT |
Nyctiphrynus rosenbergi | Choco Poorwill | NT |
Odontophorus gujanensis | Marbled Wood-quail | NT |
Odontophorus speciosus | Rufous-breasted Wood-quail | NT |
Orchesticus abellei | Brown Tanager | NT |
Panthera onca | Jaguar | NT |
Passerina ciris | Painted Bunting | NT |
Pharomachrus mocinno | Resplendent Quetzal | NT |
Phibalura flavirostris | Swallow-tailed Cotinga | NT |
Phoenicopterus chilensis | Chilean flamingo | NT |
Phyllomyias griseocapilla | Grey-capped Tyrannulet | NT |
Phylloscartes difficilis | Serra do Mar Tyrannulet | NT |
Phylloscartes oustaleti | Oustalet’s Tyrannulet | NT |
Phylloscartes paulista | Sao Paulo Tyrannulet | NT |
Phylloscartes sylviolus | Bay-ringed Tyrannulet | NT |
Piculus aurulentus | Yellow-browed Woodpecker | NT |
Picus rabieri | Red-collared Woodpecker | NT |
Pittasoma rufopileatum | Rufous-crowned Pittasoma | NT |
Platalina genovensium | Long-snouted Bat | NT |
Platyrrhinus ismaeli | Ismael’s Broad-nosed Bat | NT |
Platyrrhinus matapalensis | Matapalo broad-nosed bat | NT |
Pogonotriccus eximius | Southern Bristle-tyrant | NT |
Polioptila lactea | Creamy-bellied Gnatcatcher | NT |
Primolius maracana | Blue-winged Macaw | NT |
Pristimantis melanogaster | No Name Yet | NT |
Pristimantis roseus | Andagoya Robber Frog | NT |
Pseudastur polionotus | Mantled Hawk | NT |
Psilorhamphus guttatus | Spotted Bamboowren | NT |
Psittacara frontatus | Cordilleran Parakeet | NT |
Psittacula alexandri | Red-breasted Parakeet | NT |
Psittacula finschii | Grey-headed Parakeet | NT |
Psittacula roseata | Blossom-headed Parakeet | NT |
Pteroglossus bailloni | Saffron Toucanet | NT |
Pyrilia barrabandi | Orange-cheeked Parrot | NT |
Pyrilia pyrilia | Saffron-headed Parrot | NT |
Quasipaa verrucospinosa | Verrucosa Spiny Frog | NT |
Rallus tenuirostris | Mexican Rail | NT |
Ramphastos ambiguus | Yellow-throated Toucan | NT |
Ramphodon naevius | Saw-billed Hermit | NT |
Ratufa bicolor | Malayan Giant Squirrel | NT |
Rhagomys rufescens | Brazilian Arboreal Mouse | NT |
Rhea americana | Greater Rhea | NT |
Rheinardia ocellata | Crested Argus | NT |
Rheomys thomasi | Thomas’s Water Mouse | NT |
Rhinophylla alethina | Hairy Little Fruit Bat | NT |
Rimator danjoui | Indochinese Wren-babbler | NT |
Saltator cinctus | Masked Saltator | NT |
Sapajus nigritus | Black-capped capuchin | NT |
Saphenophis boursieri | No Name Yet | NT |
Scinax trapicheiroi | No Name Yet | NT |
Sclerurus albigularis | Grey-throated Leaftosser | NT |
Speothos venaticus | Savannah Dog | NT |
Sphaerodactylus heliconiae | No Name Yet | NT |
Spizaetus ornatus | Ornate Hawk-eagle | NT |
Sterna aurantia | River Tern | NT |
Strix hylophila | Rusty-barred Owl | NT |
Tangara cyanoptera | Azure-shouldered Tanager | NT |
Tangara johannae | Blue-whiskered Tanager | NT |
Theristicus branickii | Andean Ibis | NT |
Tinamus major | Great Tinamou | NT |
Tinamus solitarius | Solitary Tinamou | NT |
Treron phayrei | Ashy-headed Green-pigeon | NT |
Tretanorhinus taeniatus | Striped Swamp Snake | NT |
Triclaria malachitacea | Blue-bellied Parrot | NT |
Urocissa xanthomelana | White-winged Magpie | NT |
Vampyrum spectrum | Spectral Bat | NT |
Vanellus duvaucelii | River Lapwing | NT |
Veniliornis chocoensis | Choco Woodpecker | NT |
Vermivora chrysoptera | Golden-winged Warbler | NT |
Vireo bellii | Bell’s Vireo | NT |
Vultur gryphus | Andean Condor | NT |
Xenerpestes singularis | Equatorial Greytail | NT |
Xenotriccus callizonus | Belted Flycatcher | NT |